모두를 위한 MLOps (by 마키나락스)

제조/산업 분야를 위한 AI 스타트업 마키나락스에서 모두를 위한 MLOps라는 이름의 문서를 공개하였습니다. :tada:

문서 사이트에서 전문을 보실 수 있으며, 목차는 아래와 같습니다.



  1. What is MLOps?

  2. Levels of MLOps

  3. Components of MLOps

  4. Why Kubernetes?

Setup Kubernetes

  1. Introduction

  2. Setup Kubernetes

  3. Install Prerequisite

  4. Install Kubernetes

  5. Install Kubernetes Modules

  6. (Optional) Setup GPU

Setup Components

  1. Kubeflow

  2. MLflow Tracking Server

  3. Seldon-Core

  4. Prometheus & Grafana

Kubeflow UI Guide

  1. Central Dashboard

  2. Notebooks

  3. Tensorboards

  4. Volumes

  5. Experiments(AutoML)

  6. Kubeflow Pipeline 관련


  1. Kubeflow Introduction

  2. Kubeflow Concepts

  3. Install Requirements

  4. Component - Write

  5. Pipeline - Write

  6. Pipeline - Upload

  7. Pipeline - Run

  8. Component - InputPath/OutputPath

  9. Component - Environment

10. Pipeline - Setting

  1. Pipeline - Run Result

  2. Component - MLFlow

  3. Component - Debugging

API Deployment

  1. What is API Deployment?

  2. Deploy SeldonDeployment

  3. Seldon Monitoring

  4. Seldon Fields

  5. Model from MLflow

  6. Multi Models


  1. Python 가상환경 설치

  2. Bare Metal 클러스터용 load balancer metallb 설치

Further Readings

다루지 못한 것들


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